A network of student care
Strategic Partners
The School Superintendents Association, AASA Mission is to advocate for equitable access for all students to the highest quality public education; and develops and supports school system leaders
The Healthy Schools Campaign, HSC's Mission is to ensure that all children have access to healthy school environments where they can learn and thrive
The Council of Administrators of Special Education, Inc. CASE mission is to provide leadership and support to members by shaping policies and practices which impact the quality of education
The School Based Health Alliance, SBHA’s Mission is to improve the health status of children and youth by advancing and advocating for school-based health care
The National Association of State Directors of Special Education, NASDSE's mission is to work with state education agencies to ensure that all children and youth with disabilities receive the educational supports and services they need from birth to be prepared for post-school education, career, and independent living choices.
The National Association of Medicaid Directors, NAMD’s mission is to support Medicaid Directors to administer the program in cost-effective, efficient, and visionary ways to enable the over 73 million people served by Medicaid to achieve their best health and to thrive in their communities.