NAME Leadership Members
General Assumptions and Expectations
The Leadership Team consists of the NAME Officers, Board of Directors and Committee Chairpersons.
NAME is a volunteer organization, and work/job responsibilities take precedence in most instances. The commitment to serve on the NAME Leadership Team requires balancing workload and NAME duties as outlined below.
Learn, know and assume responsibility to implement, communicate or act upon the organization's mission, purposes, goals, policies, programs, strengths and needs.
Demonstrate leadership by recruiting potential NAME members, committee members and nominees for elected Officer and Board positions.
Serve as a mentor and undertake leadership assignments willingly.
Represent the organization's interest in the community and among individuals and organizations with whom NAME may or does have a relationship.
Honor fellow members by showing respect in all interactions and work.
Bring a sense of humor to the Board's deliberations.
Prepare for and actively participate in all Board meetings, including annual long-range and triennial strategic planning meetings; contact any officer if unable to attend.
Engage and participate in Board deliberations, and support the Board's decisions.
Maintain confidentiality of Board meetings as necessary.
Suggest agenda items for Board and committee meetings as appropriate to ensure significant policy-related matters are addressed.
Participate actively, as needed, in committee meetings, annual conferences and other activities of the organization.
Relationship with Contractors/Staff
Work with NAME's contractors, such as the Webmaster, Meeting Facilitator and any others providing professional services to carry out the business of the organization.
Avoid asking for special favors of the organization's professional services contractors.
Avoiding Conflict
Serve the organization as a whole rather than special interest groups.
Avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest; annually submit a completed Conflict of Interest Statement to the Secretary by no later than the 21st calendar day following the first Board meeting and update it as necessary in a timely fashion.
Maintain independence and objectivity. Do what a sense of fairness, ethics and personal integrity dictate.
Never accept or offer personal favors or gifts from or to anyone who does business with the organization.
Fiduciary Responsibility
Exercise prudence in Board deliberations and decisions on the control and transfer of funds.
Faithfully read and understand the organization's financial statements and otherwise help the Board fulfill its fiduciary responsibility.
Participate in Board oversight of the organization's financial operations.
Annual Conference
Assist the organization's annual conference marketing strategies through participation and personal influence with others e.g. corporations, foundations, and individuals.
Assist with the annual conference by moderating sessions, staffing the registration desk, facilitating or trouble-shooting onsite logistics, greeting attendees and other tasks as requested by the conference committee.
Make yourself visible and accessible to conference attendees as an ambassador for NAME.

Region 1

Region 2

Region 3


At-Large Members


540-562-3900 ext. 44035
Committee Chairs
Bylaws and Policies & Procedures
Nanci English (FL)
Florida Department of Education
Communications Committee
Marlee Hart (CO)
Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1
Archuleta School District #50 JT
Dolores School District RE-4A
Program Committee
Marie Blanc (CO)
Englewood Schools
Finance Committee
Lindsey Kimbleton (KY)
Financial Procedures Review Committee
Mikeal Stansbury (HI)
Governmental Affairs Committee
Christie Guinn (NM)
New Mexico Human Services Department
Information Technology Committee
Shawna Dippman (MI)
Monroe County Intermediate School District
Membership Committee
Olga Gintchin (CO)
Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing 303-866-4234
Nominating Committee
Amy Edwards (VA)

Dr. Jenny Millward
Jenny Millward, ED. D. is the Executive Director of NAME
Jenny brings with her 29 years of experience in special education and childhood disability advocacy in such roles as a special education teacher, Program Specialist for Speech Language Pathology and Director of Student Services at Houston County Schools in Georgia. In addition to her impressive career experience Jenny has also been an active member of G-CASE, CASE, and CEC since 2004, including holding the Legislative Committee Chair position for G-CASE since 2018.
NAME eagerly anticipates a thriving partnership with Jenny to promote integrity, collaboration, and success for its members.
To connect with Jenny:
Dr. Jenny Millward, Executive Director
National Alliance for Medicaid in Education