PHE Unwinding - LEA Quick Reference Guide

Quick Facts
- Public Health Emergency (PHE) will expire on 5/11/2023.
- Continuous coverage requirement ends as of 4/1/2023.
- Medicaid redeterminations begin on 4/1/2023.
- Redetermination timelines will vary by state. See map for details.
- Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) will begin to phase out, and fully expires 1/1/2024.
- It is estimated that between 5 – 14 million people could lose their Medicaid coverage.
- A reduced Medicaid eligibility rate will impact school-based Medicaid claiming reimbursements.
- Medicaid outreach is reimbursable via Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) programs, as activities will be captured in Random Moment Time Study (RMTS), for LEAs that participate in MAC.
Next Steps
- Local Education Agency (LEA) point of contact: your State Medicaid Agency.
- Don’t wait! Update! Encourage enrollees to update their address. Undeliverable mail will be a significant challenge.
- Educate Medicaid and CHIP enrollees about the upcoming changes, using available toolkits:
- CMS Toolkit.
- AASA Educator Toolkit.
- Georgetown CCF Toolkit.
- Insure Kids Now Back to School Toolkit.
- State-specific toolkits may also be available at the State Health & Value Strategies state toolkit repository, or on your State Medicaid Agency website.
Stay Informed
- NAME/CASE PHE Unwinding Webinar.
- Join the CMS National Stakeholder Calls. For more information about these calls, you may email:
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - CMS resources.